Text “Signs” to 412-586-7159 to register.
If you are in the Pittsburgh area, please make plans to join us on Saturday, March 4 for the “Signs of the Times” Prophecy Summit from 1-5 p.m. at Another Level Ministries, 4555 McKnight Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237.
This is the first ever End Time prophecy event of its kind in the city of Pittsburgh! Please come join us as we discuss how current events are aligning with scriptures recorded thousands of years ago. You don’t have to be a prophecy expert to understand that something unprecedented is happening in our world today. We live in very exciting times!
Topics covered toinclude current happenings in Israel and Middle East, what the Bible records as signs of the second coming of Jesus, teaching on the rapture of the church, the antichrist, the mark of the beast, the tribulation, Armageddon, and much more.
Speakers for the event will be J. Anthony Gilbert, Pastor at Another Level Ministries; Don Black, Founder of Finishing Strong Ministries; Jonathan Luker, Co-founder of Called Out Ministries, and Amy Travis, President of the Stand Coalition. Special music to be provided by Pastor Rebecca Luker, Co-founder of Called Out Ministries, and our very own Another Level Worship Team.
The event is FREE when you register before March 1.
Otherwise, tickets will be $20 at the door. Text the word “Signs” to 412-586-7159 for more information and to register.
The summit will be followed by a catered dinner, compliments of Another Level Ministries.
You won’t want to miss this!