With all the political rhetoric these days, it’s difficult to find the truth.
If you watched the debate last night, you know that the Left is attempting to paint Donald Trump as a radical who would prevent a young woman from receiving medical care for a miscarriage (FALSE).
At the other end of the spectrum, some have questioned the Trump Administration’s commitment to protecting innocent life. Trump seems to have backpedaled on his stance by stating that he is not in favor of a federal ban on abortion.
Before giving my take on this, I would like to make clear that I do, and will always, support the protection of innocent life for many reasons, including but not limited to:
Genesis 1 proclaims that God made man in his image.
Exodus 20 records the Sixth Commandment, “You must not murder”.
Proverbs 6 lists “hands that shed innocent blood” as detestable to God and
Psalm 139 declares boldly and beautifully how life begins at conception.
Additionally, abortion is a multi-billion-dollar industry targeting vulnerable women. In the words of Dr. Alveda King, niece of the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Abortion is one of the most violent, reprehensible, discriminatory crimes against humanity,” King said. “There is overwhelming evidence that many abortions have been performed to reduce minority populations in America. You can read this article here.
In short, there is nothing pro-child OR pro-woman about abortion.
Is it legal?
But, in regards to a national ban on abortion, there is one major obstacle in the way: it’s the Constitution.
Yes, a federal ban on abortion (or anything else, for that matter) is illegal. That’s how the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in the first place.
The 10th Amendment to the Constitution, ratified on December 15, 1791, as part of the Bill of Rights meant to protect individuals from government overreach, stipulates that the federal government has only those powers delegated to it by the Constitution and that all other powers are reserved to each state, or to the people.
So, when President Trump threw it back to the States, he was NOT washing his hands of the abortion issue; he was following the law. He knows that the Supreme Court would eventually overturn any federal ban on abortion as unconstitutional.
Personally, I agree with his decision not to mandate a federal ban. We don’t want dictators in this country! Trump has taken the issue as far as the executive branch of government should reach.
What about IVF?
Just when tensions began to ease over his abortion ban comments, the plot thickened. The latest cog in the pro-life wheel came when President Trump declared last week that he would force the government and/or private insurance companies to pay for IVF treatments.
Like many in the pro-life camp, I have ethical concerns about the government’s involvement in IVF—or the government’s involvement in nearly anything, for that matter, particularly when the State wants a seat at the kitchen table to “re-imagine” the family. That never ends well.
But, before we throw President Trump under the conservative bus, we should recognize that he worked diligently for all four years of his term to place Supreme Court justices to legally overturn the federal mandate for abortion. Consider this: every president since the 70s understood that Roe v. Wade was illegal but didn’t do anything about it.
To go a step further, I fully believe that Trump knows that he can’t do this either (i.e., a federal mandate to pay for IVF treatments) but is pushing back against the Democrats. Kamala Harris again claimed that as president, Donald Trump will support a federal ban on BOTH abortion and IVF (lies, of course).
As a result, Republicans are working hard to establish their ticket as pro-child and their opponents as anti-child and family. That I agree with.
The Wrap-Up
The Constitution is brilliant in how it limits powers belonging to the federal government. Mainly, the federal government has the authority to print money, declare war, create an army, and make international treaties.
But that’s not the vision of the modern Democrat party. It’s sickening to wake up and realize just how far the government’s power has overreached. A core value of American Conservatives is limited government, and it's easy to understand why.
In another plot twist, did Kamala Harris just reveal what the Left plans to do if they hold on to power? She accused President Trump of WANTING THE GOVERNMENT TO MONITOR A WOMAN’S PREGNACY. Is that their intent? It’s consistent with their strategy: accuse your enemy of what you are doing to cause confusion. I pray to the Lord that we never find out.
As the party that loves life and promotes the family, we need to continue to seek to abolish abortion. I absolutely believe that the Lord is working to remove this horrific, satanic practice in America. However, for a ban to be effective and permanent, the Constitution says that it should happen at the state level.
Remember, we are the side that values the rule of law.
The Fall Issue of Ladies for Liberty is out! Subscribe today. Visit Ladies for Liberty magazine
Thank you for being one of the few who is making it clear that President Trump IS indeed following the law. I'm telling ya, in this day and age of emotional overreaction to just about everything, finding a nugget of truth and making it known is beautiful. And thank you for the biblical basis for why abortion is absolutely and unequivocally murder. This became for me one of the primary reasons I wouldn't get near the so-called vaccines in 2020-21. That plus the fact I knew inherently we were being lied to.
Murder is murder. Abstinence is a right. Exceptions must be rare.