Over the past ten years, I’ve had the privilege of traveling to places like Cuba, Rwanda, Uganda, and the Dominican Republic. Each time, I fell in love with the people. They are hard-working individuals. Many possess a deep faith and want what’s best for their children. But tragically, they live under an oppressive system that denies them the opportunity to thrive.
Our kids witnessed this, too. Our older two children, Nathan and Valerie, have deployed to Kuwait, Afghanistan, Guam, and Qatar at various times while enlisted in the Air Force. Our youngest son Nick visited Myanmar in southeast Asia with his youth group several years ago. Our family has visited some of the poorest regions in the world.
Even in countries where their leadership hates us, everyone wants what Americans have. It seems they know that Americans—more than citizens of any other country—are willing to share their wealth.
Statistics bear this out. Americans are some of the most charitable individuals in the world, giving more than $471.44 billion in 2020 to US charities alone, to say nothing of organizations worldwide providing relief to children and adults of impoverished countries.
Do you know what the only difference is between the United States and the homelands of the people we assist? Our form of government. That’s it.
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