What in the World?
What in the World? Podcast
What Happens When We Die?

What Happens When We Die?

Explore 3 things you need to know about the afterlife.

a recent study found that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe they are going to Heaven. (Only 1% felt that they were bound for Hell.) But when asked why they sensed they would go to Heaven, the answers greatly varied. Read more about this study here.

Please understand this: the idea that all good people go to Heaven is NOT supported by the Bible. In contrast, Jesus spent a lot of time talking about the reality of Hell—including to warn even the priests, pastors, and church leaders of his day!

Recently, a friend sent me a video entitled “23 Minutes in Hell” about one man’s incredibly realistic vision of the afterlife. He describes in detail the isolation, terror, and even physical pain he faced during this out-of-body experience. In the video, he also talks about a young woman who had a near-death experience and records many of the same details. I encourage you to watch this here. Even though I have understood my entire adult life that Hell exists, this video was truly eye-opening.

If you have never spent any time considering the prospect of spending eternity in Hell, I encourage you to do that NOW while you can still avoid the possibility. I have, and it terrified me enough to re-evaluate my life and share this with you.

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What in the World?
What in the World? Podcast
A Look at Current Events through the Lens of Biblical Truth. Each week we explore a different political, social, economic, or spiritual reality in 12 minutes or less.