What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase “government corruption”? My answer may, or may not, surprise you.
No, we’re not going to talk about the FTX scam and how the Democrats laundered billions of dollars through Ukraine and a climate change non-profit and back to their party. Read about Aid for Ukraine and CarbonPlan.
No, we’re not going to talk about how the Biden administration is intentionally causing a humanitarian crisis at our southern border. Or, how the government stuck a Texas hospital with the $20 million bill for “free” health care to illegal aliens. Read the story here.
We’re not even going to mention how the FBI colluded with big tech to squash damaging evidence about a high-ranking candidate’s son right before a presidential election. Or, how the Twitter Files expose government agency corruption on a massive scale. Read about the Twitter Files here.
These days, the first thing that comes to my mind when I hear about corruption is the Republican Party.
Republicans used to be pro-family, pro-life, and pro-small government. Under President Trump, the Republican party appointed two conservative Supreme Court justices, repealed 25,000 pages of regulations, expanded educational choice for parents, upheld the First Amendment protections for religious freedoms, negotiated better trade agreements for American workers with China and Mexico, and revoked the Obama-era rule which allowed biological males to use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms. Read more about the Trump Administration’s achievements here.
Sadly, this has not been the case recently.
In June of 2022, Tucker Carlson, a Fox News commentator, warned that Republican leaders were siding with Joe Biden. According to Carlson,
“At the very moment that Joe Biden is at his weakest, months before a pivotal midterm election, Republicans are propping him up. They are saving Biden from himself. Since the day Biden was elected, Republicans in Washington have taken Biden's side on virtually every significant item in his policy agenda. That would include COVID restrictions, vaccine mandates, transgender ideology in school, sanctions against China, the January 6 charade, free speech, civil liberties, spying by the Intel agencies, preserving the big tech monopolies, the anti-White race politics of CRT and Juneteenth, border enforcement and energy policy, and above all, the administration's signature issue: its lunatic and reckless support for the war on Ukraine. Republicans are all-in.” Read the full article here.
What in the world is going on? Sure, we expect corruption from the party that sold our military secrets to China under Clinton, exploited Cuba in an attempt to heat up the Cold War with a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, and colluded with a foreign government to overthrow a legally elected, sitting president.
But, really, Republicans. Et tu, Brute? Below are 3 of the more hideous treacheries by the “conservative” party in recent days:
1. Passing the $1.9 Trillion Omnibus Bill
A total of 18 Republicans joined all Senate Democrats to pass this bill in what The Daily Signal is referring to as a ‘Stunning Act of Betrayal.’ According to the Heritage Foundation’s news publication:
“It is unprecedented for a lame-duck Congress to jam through an omnibus spending bill after the American people voted out the majority party in the House of Representatives.”
However, Senate Republican leadership has worked with outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for one last liberal spending blowout before the conservative majority takes control of the House on Jan. 3.”
The bill is loaded with thousands of earmarks, which are line-item funding for specific ‘woke’ projects directed by members of Congress. Read the full article here.
Omnibus refers to a bill comprised of two or more general subjects and is designed to compel a legislator to accept provisions that he or she would otherwise reject if considered separately.
Republican legislators had the opportunity to insist that the Hyde Amendment—which prohibits the use of taxpayer funds to pay for abortions—be added to the bill before passing, but they declined. They acquiesced to every demand of the Democrats and refused to fight for even a single priority of their own voter base. Read the article here.
2. Approving the Radical “[Dis]Respect for Marriage” Act
A sum of 39 Republicans voted in lockstep with all Democrats to jam through another piece of legislation in the lame-duck session which redefined the definition of marriage.
This repealed the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996, which established marriage as exclusively between one man and one woman. Ironically, this bill was initially signed into law by none other than Bill Clinton, a Democrat. Read the Congress.gov archives here.
“Make no mistake,” Alliance Defending Freedom President Kristen Waggoner warned, “this bill will be used by officials and activists to punish and ruin those who do not share the government’s view on marriage.” Read more about this here.
Although Tom Tillis, a Republican Senator from North Carolina, introduced an amendment to protect religious liberty in the bill, many are concerned that the adjustment fails to address many of the concerns voiced by conservatives. For example, could non-profit organizations, such as adoption agencies, be denied tax-exempt status if they defend the traditional view of marriage? There are no provisions in the amendment which would prevent this from happening.
3. Secretly Supporting FASAB rule 56
A Watchdog organization recently reported that Rule 56 of the Federal Accounting Standard Advisory Board (FASAB) passed “silently” in 2019 with plenty of Republican support. This rule allows the government to keep federal budgets a secret.
According to investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts says,
“Since WWII, we have been building secret financial operations, whether it’s the ‘Black Budget’ or what some people call the ‘hidden system of finance.’ Secrecy is a huge financial addiction… I call FASAB 56 ‘secret money for secret armies.’” You can read the full article here.
So much for being the party of limited government.
But why?
There are at least two explanations for why: kickbacks and political capital. Yes, kickbacks from Planned Parenthood for pushing abortion, pharmaceutical companies for promoting transgenderism, and FTX for approving Ukrainian aid.
Kickbacks from big pharma are so common that a website entitled Pharma Cash to Congress tracks these contributions. You can visit the website here.
Political capital is another reason. Politicians “earn” influence when they vote for their colleagues’ pet projects (from either side of the aisle) so that they can “spend” it when to have others vote with them.
The Wrap-Up
Our message to the old guard of the Republican Party? You’re fired!
Don’t mistake our allegiance for policy positions that you once represented for our loyalty to the Republican party. Don’t think we won’t drop you faster than a box of rocks given the opportunity.
Oh, how we would love to see you seated across the table in the board room at Trump Towers and fire you all—but we know it doesn’t work that way.
Last week’s events serve as a glimmer of hope, however. A select group of American-first congressmen and women acting as “resistors” opposed the Republican establishment long enough to force concessions by Speaker McCarthy.
But as we witness the changing of the guard, let’s not forget how we got here in the first place. We are putting Republican leaders on notice.
Thanks for reading today and remember to always pursue the Truth!
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Thanks for posting this Amy! Republicans are bought and paid for and have betraying us for some time now. Here's the latest from Kentucky... "The Mitch McConnell Building" courtesy of Pfizer