So well done, Amy. Thank you for being strong enough to address these tough issues of today. Your letter was right on point! I pray it reaches many hearts who are struggling.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Amy L. Travis

This is heart wrenching. I had to deal with this homosexual spirit in my family as well as within myself. I never gave into it because of the prayers that was going up on my behalf and the desire to serve God when I was still living a filthy life. This is not a carnal battle this is a spiritual battle. There are spiritual forces dressed up in children and adults that are grabbing hold of our children. Everything that look like a genuine person is not. Also, people are going to have to take inventory of their life and family's life and see what has been lying dormant that has now rosed up in their children. This is for me as well. Christians are going to have to repent, fast, and pray and go deep in the spirit in prayer. And we are going to have to get closer to God. And as we pray, we must believe that God will do what He says regardless of what the situation look like. For God moves according to His plans and His timing. Thank you so much for sharing this.

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Thanks so much for your response. Amen! God bless you.

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