Every word you write here is SO correct Amy!! What a tragedy that this all has to be said in our day?? A mere 80 years since millions gave their lives in a fight of global proportions to save our God given rights and freedoms - all this is being taken away as people snooze on in utter oblivion. At this rate God Himself will need to intervene or all flesh could perish? Bless you for writing TRUTH!
Succinct and to the point Amy. Many thanks. Unfortunately we are living at a time like Isaiah where "truth has fallen in the streets" (Isaiah 59:14). Now the World Economic Forum has made "disinformation" their No. 1 target and you can see where this is going. There are increasingly hard times coming because the collectivists having taken all the key areas including the legal system. RIght before our eyes you can see the "great falling away".
Thank you for this thoughtful essay on truth. I'm with you on all counts. We who know Jesus have nothing to fear, but as you say, we must remain strong in our faith, have courage, stand for the TRUTH.
I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. John 9:4
Every word you write here is SO correct Amy!! What a tragedy that this all has to be said in our day?? A mere 80 years since millions gave their lives in a fight of global proportions to save our God given rights and freedoms - all this is being taken away as people snooze on in utter oblivion. At this rate God Himself will need to intervene or all flesh could perish? Bless you for writing TRUTH!
Mike Claydon'
Israel Report
Succinct and to the point Amy. Many thanks. Unfortunately we are living at a time like Isaiah where "truth has fallen in the streets" (Isaiah 59:14). Now the World Economic Forum has made "disinformation" their No. 1 target and you can see where this is going. There are increasingly hard times coming because the collectivists having taken all the key areas including the legal system. RIght before our eyes you can see the "great falling away".
Thank you for this thoughtful essay on truth. I'm with you on all counts. We who know Jesus have nothing to fear, but as you say, we must remain strong in our faith, have courage, stand for the TRUTH.