Ford too said they were pausing. They lost something like 3 billion from the transition and they are projecting 1.5 billion or so each year in losses going forward for the foreseeable future. They(Ford) ironically is trying to make up the difference with ICE vehicle sales. My father, who is an insider in another unnamed auto manufacturer who claim they are being “forced into it” which we know. Look at the CEO of Toyota who was removed after saying EV’s weren’t the way forward however his replacement also believes in a multi tier approach of hydrogren and ammonia combustion, ICE, EV, and Plug in hybrid. One of them made a statement that they were afraid EV’s would make owning a vehicle unaffordable and unattainable for the average consumer. That is what the Globalists want. Limited range, control over the power supply, 15 minute cities and the removal of private vehicle ownership. Say hello to your new government issued EV egg on wheels. It will kill the auto industry as well. Why have free market in the auto industry anymore?

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"That is what the Globalists want. Limited range, control over the power supply, 15 minute cities and the removal of private vehicle ownership."

Degrowth Timelines:

Limits to Growth

UN Agendas 21-30

UK FIRES Absolute Zero

C40 Cities

More Nuanced Aporoach with Hilarious Struggle Sessions concerning Fake Energy Crisis, Biosecurity and Wars as form of Long Emergency to mitigate plotted event and achieve Managed Degrowth to protect Elite Core of IC..

Peak Affordability as Opposed to Peak Oil = Increasing ECOE in a Debt-Based Economy with Issues of Complexity:

Surplus Energy Economics, Tim Morgan

Consciousness of Sheep, Tim Watkins UK Focus

Our Finite World, Gail Tverberg Actuary

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Thanks Amy for clear thinking and some simple facts in an area that has become a new religion. Mind you, the facts don't matter in this area because a propaganda campaign to top all propaganda campaigns has been in play for more than 50 years. We had lunch with friends earlier in the week who had enrolled in an Australian government small business course and the first lecture was on the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals and how to align your business with them. This was more important than how to make a profit!

Not only governments but not-for-profit foundations, educational establishments, political groups, well-funded protestors - the list never ends. A reality check is coming but it may be too late by then. It's hard to find the root cause (perhaps rejection of God?) and determine how to deal with it because fear has been used so powerfully - not just with climate issues but also with COVID.

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Brilliant Amy!!! Here in Australia we have GREEN demoniac's in government who are destroying the landscape with solar panels and windmills in an attempt to become what they say will be a "Renewable" Superpower. They are failing so badly as to be possibly a one term government! Laughable but so so sad! Blessings, Mike Claydon Israel Report - Australia

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I used to pass by a solar panel 'farm' which is an eye sore if ever there was one, not to talk about the wind turbines in that beautiful New Mexico mountain area that is now ruined.

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I’m an engineer and did a cost and pollution analysis of an electric vs a gas powered vehicle. My findings are not only the cost of buying and operating an EV is higher but the pollution is much higher. Then think of the catastrophe of disposing all the batteries. If you really want to save the planet you would never buy an electric vehicle.

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Brent C … did anyone take heed of your results ?? Thanks for the comment.

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Yes a few (2) of my friends changed their minds about EVs. My daughter won’t even listen and is dead set on buying a Chevy EV in January

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this is it in a nut shell. The cost of mining the lithium and the pollution from that is enough, but then the battery disposal puts it way over the top. I read lots of so called research reports and find that their conclusions are not support by the facts in the research. One was a report against diesel engines. Stated that diesel fueled engines cause cancer. The UN released the report about 6 years ago. Read the actual research. Vague wording. Looked at non metallic mining operations in 3rd world countries, i.e. coal and lung cancer developing in the miners. Since they used diesel to transport the coal out of the mines, diesel was the cause, and not the well known black lung coal miners are known to get.

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You nailed it buddy. I think the NWO wants us on all electric so they can flip a switch and shut down any resistance. But it’s also a money making scam. The government subsidizes the wasteful wind turbines and solar panels. They don’t work when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine. A wind turbine will never return its cost of construction ever. And then where do the blades go. Solar panels are getting better but most now in use are very toxic and disposal costs will be enormous. This renewable energy is such a scam. Nuclear is way better as is petroleum.

I’m glad I’m not the only one using the brain God gave us. Too many are just sheep herded by MSM propaganda

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I never get caught up in the "let's save the earth." Anyone can see that it is all about who can make the most money. Whatever one uses it either take something from the earth or put something in the earth.

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All part of the deliberate strategy by the globalists to destroy society and usher in a one world govt to address the issues they themselves have caused! I see all this playing into the scarcity and hyperinflation of food on the earth in the 3rd seal opened by our Lord Jesus Christ in Revelation 6 :5-6. 'When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales[a] in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A [b]quart of wheat for a [c]denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.”'

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This is where we are. For sure those prophetic words are true. You can see them being played out right now. I think we are very close to the 6th seal and the 7th seal is the 7 trumpets.

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I actually see a correlation between the opening of the seals and the beginning of Daniel's 70th week (Dan 9:27) so I don't think the first seal has been opened yet. But maybe your view is correct. Shalom brother.

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probably does not matter what any individual thinks. what will happen has already been written. I have my thinking and it guides my life. Could be wrong, only time will tell for sure.

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recently I read several testimonies of how wind turbines are fed with fuel. also, that several shippers refuse to carry electric vehicles due to the danger of explosion. I know of one person whose electric bike exploded while charging. When I needed a new AC installation, I looked into solar panels. The vendor disadvized me to do it, because I probably would not get my money back, and I would have to cut the trees surrounding my house, giving me lots of shade in summer. The only solar I have now are some outside lanterns, which do a great job. As to petrol - when I was a kid in the 60s we were told fuel would run out before 2000. In the meantime everyone has 3 or 4 vehicles instead of one, and fuel is still plentiful. Some was wrong there!

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I wouldn’t want to park an EV in my garage, the danger is off the charts because it’s under my house

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Excellent point! That's scary stuff.

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Why at 75/83 would we want a car that is a time bomb we couldn't ever afford? We drive around 200 miles a month. A tank of gas. We updated the aged gas hot water heater (30 gallons as it was too small.) We bought a Tankless gas one and it has one of those nasty electric starters. Same with the 30-year-old gas Furnace. Solar is for stuff we don't need to be climbing on ladders, like Christmas lights for pathway lights. We even downsized all those doctors every 6 months we were told we needed, along with their crappy meds, with a diet change. Now if the Primary could clean the HEARING AID EAR Wax build-up without fluids, I'd get rid of the ENT.

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Please remove the word "Fossil" when speaking of oil/gas. They are not created by decaying fossils. Earth's gas and oil is in perpetual abundance. WE WILL NEVER RUN OUT OF IT.

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what a misnomer. I remember in elementary school they were saying it was from buried dinosaurs, and I thought bunk. That is just soooo much nonsense.

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The word "Fossil" was to create the illusion of a finite commodity to allow the Rockefeller's to price gouge by creating "shortages" whenever they wanted to increase the price.

I hear you on the lie of dinosaurs. Just like I KNEW that Gravity was lie and have never changed my mind. Remember...that lie came from Newton and his apple. I guess he wasn't smart enough to realize the apple fell because it was heavier than air! So they pass that stupidity on to the children in school.

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Any movement which demonizes human breath has something demonic at its foundation.

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There’s no resale value in a 10-year-old Tesla. If you ever see a. Tesla with vintage plates, somebody spent waaay too much money on replacement batteries

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Not in S Cal. The robots keep buying them. It's started to look like East Berlin Mid 80's. Stop buying those shitty ugly cars, please.

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Yeah. It's retarded. It was grift all along. 100's millions in "rebates" since Obama. Cha ching. It's actually quite sad how generation after generation the people who feign to be the best educated turn out to be the biggest suckers. Its all a lie.

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When I was young the big scary headline fear mongering was global cooling. Looked at that and decided that it was bunk, just like the global warming BS. For some reason since I was in high school I have been reading all sorts of reports, looking at the actual research. Remember the 1st one I looked at was about sudden crib death. The conclusion was that aspirin caused it. I read all of the research and my conclusion was that if a baby has a fever the mother is likely to give it baby aspirin. years later this aspirin conclusion was debunked, but really all you had to do was look at the data and it did not support the conclusion.

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