Great article Amy with a reminder of the default position of mankind. The Founding Fathers certainly put amazing safeguards in place but they probably never foresaw a corrupt justice system being so shamefully used. These are exceptionally difficult times leading up to November 2024 and we must pray for God's intervention to uphold the last bastion of light in a world that is becoming increasingly dark.

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Thank you for the information. It is truly going to get worse. Those playing with God better get closer to Him for He is our only refuge from what is about to hit. Matt 24 & Revelation is here.

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I am beginning to like you young lady. (Young here is unrelated to chronological age, it refers to mindset.) A thought occurred to me while reading this one: A garbage educational system and a myopic, materialistic mindset eventuate in an abysmal ignorance of history. If folks think it aint gonna make them a lot of money, they ignore it as irrelevant (and don't study it if they go to college). That is why huge numbers of American voters are clueless about history generally and the history of communism in particular. So they believe lies about racism and vote reliably Democrat. That leads to things like, say, 1/3 of the current US House or Representatives refusing to vote to condemn socialism (this happened in Congress in early 2023). Sure many will know the political plot to the early Star Wars movies, but not having understood Roman history they have no idea that George Lucas got that story from the fall of the Roman Republic to Julius Caesar and his nephew Octavian. They will vote for Bernie Sanders without realizing that whenever and wherever followers of Karl Marx get political power in a society they destroy it. Socialist political tyranny then leads to mass murder and large numbers of people flee for their lives, over and over and over again. America under Trump tried to build a wall to keep people out. Socialist regimes have to build walls to keep people in. I think of things like this whenever I see a "Feel the Bern" bumper sticker. So very sad, and so very dangerous to those of us identified as "class enemies." Thankfully my hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ, not the government. Rome fell, but Christians survived that fall. If America falls, it will be the same.

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Amy, Great article with much truth and critical information, especially for the Christian. However, I see what might be a contradiction in your sub heading: "The Politics of Power". In essence, politics and politicians are all about POWER, CONTROL and MONEY, no matter which letter follows the name of the politician. Please see my article, https://drrichswier.com/2022/02/26/the-scourge-of-politics-and-politicians/ for a better examination of the real meaning of politics. You are right, there is a determined effort on the part of very evil people to eliminate, not only our God-given freedoms, but our very lives in America. The entire world is teetering on the brink of total governmental and societal collapse which will lead to anarchy and chaos around the globe. The United States is now only a sad shadow of its former status as the greatest power on earth. Unfortunately, I see no option for this trend to reverse, at least not politically. As Bonnie Harvey of Hebrew Nation Radio famously stated, "There is no political solution to a spiritual problem", and the problem with this nation is 100% spiritual in nature.

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