Mar 29, 2023Liked by Amy L. Travis

Hello Sister Amy, Just read your new blog about heaven and hell and it is enough to cleanse my soul once again. I did the prayer once again to declare, only Jesus is my savior that you have given at the end. This is the most precious gift that you are giving to your readers, a way to get salvation and

to receive heaven from God. Thank you very much for doing God’s work which is not easy in this era where people are going far from the reality of God and his only son our Jesus Christ

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I have seen Bill’s Testimony. The book Imagine Heaven by John Burke is absolutely amazing and he is considered an authority on this issues as he studied, investigated and interviewed over 100 near death experiences and testimonies from all walks of life. Its amazing the similarities. He even mentions some actual medical studies to, but it is all in faith and amazing. I also watch Randy Kay Ministries on Youtube. Randy is a former biontech big wig, died and met the Lord and he had an amazing testimony and has people on now. John Burke wrote the forward to one of his books. Another amazing testimony is Jim Woodford, aka diamond jim he was known as before he died in his truck from an overdose of his medication.

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Thank you for sharing such wonderful information, dear Nicholas. It is amazing. I am getting chills by reading your comment and the blog because I have very close experience with God the father in my personal life and I know everything has an end but our God is the same always

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Amy, thanks for writing this... Yes, many people who consider themselves Christians don't believe in a literal Hell. One day they will sadly learn they will have made an eternal mistake.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Amy L. Travis

Very good!

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