Great perspective Amy and reminder of what freedom is and how the continuing push for government legislation is against the very concept that the founders had in mind. The highlight of the convention for me was the 10min talk by Tucker.

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Yes, we are salt and light IN this world even as we are not OF this world. The RNC was not, nor was it intended to be, an evangelical revival meeting. Acknowledgement of God's divine providence in the shooting of former President Trump was absolutely right, but as you say, it's our duty to be the ones who initiate finding common ground with all in order to win some.

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There is a key element of consideration you seem to be missing. Freedom to worship God according to the dictates of our conscience in no way assures anyone and everyone claiming some form of religious belief the right to the microphone in one of our major political platforms, or to any other platform in government or society; it’s an individual right to worship as seems best to you, not a guaranteed promotion of your religion through the vehicles of political platforms or government.

If I’m wrong, where is that written?

You may go and worship God as you see fit; yet we should also have a right to discern and choose what God we publicly acknowledge from any given platform. This so-called neutrality (especially in an absolute sense) is a myth and demonic. And if any of you doubt that, check out the satanic statues erected in the halls of government not long ago.

If anyone thinks our founders who supported freedom of religious expression would have tolerated such as an alter to Satan in the halls of government, you’ve lost your minds. So the real questions are: where do we draw the line as to what is valid and acceptable religion, and what are we going to allow to the microphone of our platforms?

In reality, there can only be a degree of religious tolerance. And we’d do well to figure out in society what the proper degree is. After all, it’s the pluralistic adoption of various belief systems as equally valid which has lead us to the current hell and chaos in our culture and government. Not sorry. Our country was built on the foundation of a biblical ethic in general, not some Indian God.

Not backing down anymore in the name of being “inclusive.”

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Should our country abolish abortion? The answer is Yes because it’s what Gods law demands, I think we’d agree. What if a pagan says “no, my worldview doesn’t call for that, we should let baby murder be legal”

Then They are under the judgement of God. That’s the reality. Any government that does not follow Gods law as its foundation, is under Gods judgement. We should absolutely be demanding Gods law is the foundation for our government, not as a mechanism to convert people, but to restrain public evil as God himself demands

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